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Dataverse Implementation Manager

• Providing overall project management: developing and following up on the project plan (including the communication plan), identifying and assigning roles and tasks in the project, starting up the project team, organising and following up on meetings with and between involved project members and coordinating activities so that project results are achieved in a timely manner
• Facilitating, moderating and chairing potential project working groups
• Providing advice on establishing the MVP definition, installing Dataverse, configuring and other aspects of implementation (choices, workflows), testing the MVP with pilot users, recording relevant insights from the MVP with regard to technical, organizational and financial implications of a future operational FAIRVault service, and developing a roadmap for the future
• Providing info sessions and contributing to other communication actions towards stakeholders
• Initiating, contributing to, and providing final editing of written project results
• Documenting project activities and results in a SharePoint environment

• Experience of implementing a research data repository in an academic context, from both a technical and business perspective
• Experience of the Dataverse repository software and the international Dataverse community is a must.
• Experience of implementing a multi-institutional Dataverse instance would be an asset.
• Experience of project management in a complex organisational context and with multiple stakeholders across institutions
• Strong communication and IT skills
• Knowledge of FAIR data and data-archiving/digital preservation
• Experience of successful delivery of software projects on schedule and within budget

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